„Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership:
A joint initiative on Dog Neutering“
However, with the joint effort of Moringa’s Mission, the Mandevilla Foundation, some volunteers and various members of our team here at Taino Farm, we were able to take some steps to address this issue. We launched an initiative to promote responsible pet ownership through a 2 day dog clinic in the community of Los Brazos. The event took place on the 22nd and 23rd of April, aiming to provide free or low-cost spay and neuter services to pet owners in the area.
The pets also received a tick treatment, medicines, access to 2 vets (1 dominican and 1 german) and collars + leashes. We were also able to receive a big donation box with materials from another German vet, with various products that were of valuable use for the dog clinic.
During those 2 days we assisted in the spaying of 51 dogs and cats, thus reducing the number of homeless animals, some other conditions were treated as well, saving the lives of these pups. It’s relevant to mention that the practice of sterilization can improve the behavior of pets and reduce the risk of certain health problems. Sterilization can also help prevent the spread of diseases and parasites, which can be prevalent in the Dominican Republic.
This initiative had a positive impact on the community. Pet owners who cannot afford expensive sterilization procedures now have access to these services, thanks to the joint foundation’s and the farm’s efforts and we plan to organize another one before this year’s end.
By the end of the activity, Taino Farm offered a vegetarian BBQ and refreshing beverages for the volunteers, vets and members of Moringa’s Mission on the platform by the Yásica river. In conclusion, we want to thank Moringa’s Mission and the Mandevilla Foundation’s initiative on dog neutering on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, by making a positive impact on the local pet population and the community at large. We at Taino are super glad to be a part of it as well.
Adriana Badía Paulino
Visit our partners Moringa’s Mission also on Facebook at
as well as our partner page of the Tainofarm