Support Education

Help us to bring perspective to children in the Dominican Republic


Taino Farm dog clinic

„Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership: A joint initiative on Dog Neutering“ As pet lovers, it is essential to ensure that our furry friends receive the best possible care. One important aspect of responsible pet ownership …

Animal Welfare

Our Animal rescue and clinicsWe work with different organizations that arrange sterilization clinics and adoption of dogs and cats. Stray dogs and cats are a big problem in the DR. Pet owners often do not have their animals neutered for financial reasons. Here we...

Rallito de Sol

Rallito del Sol was started by Rebecca Yuma, a young Dominican woman. She is a trained and passionate teacher. In 2019, the schools were largely closed due to a pandemic in the DR. There were many students who couldn’t go to school and needed help with their studies….

 The challenge of  

raising funding to keep the school  going

People barely make enough money to buy their food. So education is on the bottom of the list. Where it should be the main priority because education can break the cycle of poverty. 

 The solution, 

renovating and building the existing school, sponsoring a child, sponsoring school materials

 The solution, 

renovating and building the existing school, sponsoring a child, sponsoring school materials

 The impact, 

Having educated children, able to find better jobs being empowered of their own live impacting the community in the years to come.